Search Results On french musician jailed

french musician jailed

  • French musician jailed, jailed for playing oud in UAE, french musician jailed for begging by playing oud in uae, French musician jailed

    French musician jailed for begging by playing oud in UAE! 2016-11-15 10:58:52

    Dubai Police arrested a French musician for playing his oud in public. He has been jailed for 15 days for collecting money, an act considered begging, a crime punishable by law. The 27-year-old French street entertainer was convicted of begging...

    Keywords: French musician jailed, French musician jailed, street entertainer, jailed for playing oud in UAE

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    2019 World Summer Games, Special Olympics World Games, abu dhabi to host 2019 world summer games, French musician jailed

    Abu Dhabi to host 2019 World Summer Games! 2016-11-16 11:55:57

    Abu Dhabi is all set to host the Special Olympics World Games, world's largest humanitarian and sporting event of 2019. The decision came after a meeting of the Special Olympics International Board of Directors held in Washington, D.C. hosted by...

    Keywords: Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, Special Olympics World Games

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