Dubai Police arrested a French musician for playing his oud in public. He has been jailed for 15 days for collecting money, an act considered begging, a crime punishable by law.
The 27-year-old French street entertainer was convicted of begging by the Dubai Misdemeanours Court. The man was begging spreading out a cloth in public for his audience to leave him money.
Dubai Police arrested the street entertainer for begging on November 1 after he was caught playing his musical instrument while his audience listened to him at the Gold Souq in Naif.
The Frenchman was caught with Dh27 which his audience had left on a piece of cloth in front of him.
Street entertainers and musicians is a European-style of public performance. It is common across most Western and European cities.
The court sentenced the Frenchman to 15 days in jail followed by deportation.
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