India, U.S, Japan Navies to Participate in Malabar Naval Exercise 2018-06-02 05:41:40
The Malabar naval exercise that will commence succeeding week off the coast of Guam in the Philippine Sea will be participated by Naval ships, aircraft and personnel from India, Japan and United States with a focus on greater ability in...
Keywords: Japan, Malabar Naval Exercise, India, Japan
Read MoreJapans quest for origin of earthquakes 2013-09-13 04:09:48
There was one bright mission into prominence. The mission was initiated by the Japan-led team of seismologists who set off during Friday to drill deep beneath the seabed in quest for the origin of earthquakes. The scientists estimated the weight...
Keywords: quake-tsunami misfortune, Japans quest for origin of earthquakes, Philippine Sea plate, Japans quest for origin of earthquakes
Read MoreAggressive expansionism by China worries India and US 2020-04-27 07:15:08
Uncover the cover of the Covid-19 outbreak; China has been working consistently into an aggressive expansionism both in the South China sea as well as the Indian Ocean region. The same has raised quite a bit of concern among India...
Keywords: China, Indian Ocean, China, US
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