Search Results On un progress report

un progress report

  • rotavirus vaccine, Diarrhoea, over 2 lakh indian children killed due to pneumonia diarrhoea in 2016, Un progress report

    Over 2 Lakh Indian Children Killed Due to Pneumonia, Diarrhoea in 2016 2018-11-10 07:45:38

    A new report released Friday said India's vaccination coverage to prevent rotavirus infection, a chief origin of serious diarrhoea in young children, was the lowest among the 15 countries which introduced earlier this year. It also pointed out that India...

    Keywords: Diarrhoea, Pneumonia, Diarrhoea deaths, rotavirus vaccine

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    indian politics, aap, 18 days of aap government in delhi, Un progress report

    18 Days of AAP Government in Delhi 2014-01-14 07:30:36

    Ever since revolutionary Arvind Kejriwal led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) took charge of Delhi, the  wiry 45-year-old Delhi chief minister has been in a hurry to fix things and clear the national capital's underbelly. With barely a year since its...

    Keywords: aap, political news, aam aadmi party, aam aadmi party

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    UN chief Ban Ki-moon, environmental stability, progressive global anti poverty push takes place, Un progress report

    Progressive global anti-poverty push takes place! 2013-07-01 10:59:44

    Notwithstanding economic crises as well as diminishing aid, the UN announced on Monday huge progress had been made towards meeting the so-called Millennium Development Goals, including its bid to striking violently world hunger in half intermediate to 1990 and 2015....

    Keywords: environmental stability, targets to diminish poverty, spread of AIDS, world hunger

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    striking violently world hunger, striking violently world hunger, prominent global anti poverty push takes place, Un progress report

    Prominent global anti-poverty push takes place! 2013-07-01 11:59:10

    Notwithstanding economic crises as well as diminishing aid, the UN announced on Monday huge progress had been made towards meeting the so-called Millennium Development Goals, including its bid to striking violently world hunger in half intermediate to 1990 and 2015....

    Keywords: targets to diminish poverty, diminishing aid, suffering from hunger, targets to diminish poverty

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