Search Results On terrorist threat (Page 1 of 2)

terrorist threat (Page 1 of 2)

  • number of troops in afghanistan 2018, number of US troops in Afghanistan 2018, rep ro khanna backs trump on troop withdrawal from afghanistan, Terrorist threat

    Rep. Ro Khanna Backs Trump on Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan 2018-12-22 05:30:34

    An Indian-American Democratic lawmaker has put forward his unusual support to president Donald Trump on his reported plans for a substantial troop withdrawal from war-ravaged Afghanistan. Congressman Ro Khanna, who was recently re-elected from the 17th Congressional District of California,...

    Keywords: number of US troops in Afghanistan 2018, Ro Khanna, US troops in Afghanistan by year, lawmakers

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    Joe Biden latest speech, Taliban, joe biden responds on taliban taking over afghanistan, Terrorist threat

    Joe Biden Responds on Taliban Taking over Afghanistan 2021-08-17 06:51:55

    In a shocking move, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and this turned out to be a rude shock for USA. American President Joe Biden responded for the first time on the incident. He posted "We went to Afghanistan almost 20...

    Keywords: Joe Biden latest developments, Joe Biden twitter, Joe Biden press conference, Joe Biden latest updates

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    Japan - Scissors, CTS security, missing scissors halted flights for hours, Terrorist threat

    Missing Scissors Halted Flights For Hours 2024-08-21 09:29:55

    As per reports, 36 flights were cancelled and 201 were delayed in the second busiest airport of the world. Japan airport, the second busiest airport, was in tension after a pair of scissors went missing from the store near the...

    Keywords: New Chitose Airport, CTS security, New Chitose Airport, New Chitose Airport

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    United States, sri lanka blasts, united states warns of more attacks in sri lanka, Terrorist threat

    United States Warns of More Attacks in Sri Lanka 2019-05-01 13:08:05

    Days after the deadly suicide bombings in Sri Lanka, the United States has warned that the terrorist threat in Sri Lanka still remains as active members of the group that carried out the massive suicide attacks may still be in...

    Keywords: US warns more attacks in sri lanka, sri lanka blasts, US warns more attacks in sri lanka, US warns more attacks in sri lanka

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    terrorist threat, Delhi, indian capital delhi on high alert following terrorist threat from intelligence bureau, Terrorist threat

    Indian Capital, Delhi on high alert following terrorist threat from Intelligence Bureau 2020-06-22 07:43:09

    Delhi Police has been subjected to high alert following inputs from Intelligence Bureau about a possible terror threat to the national capital, as reports came in Sunday.The Intelligence agencies have further alerted the police of the possibility of four to...

    Keywords: Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, Delhi police

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    lashkar e taiba training camps, Lashkar-e-Taiba terror group, 18 year old u s national pleads guilty to providing support to pakistan based terror group let, Terrorist threat

    18-Year-Old U.S. National Pleads Guilty to Providing Support to Pakistan-Based Terror Group LeT 2019-05-09 11:56:38

    An 18-year-old United States national on Wednesday pleaded guilty to the charges of supporting and recruiting fighters for Pakistan-based terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) The Islamic military organization was held responsible for carrying out the deadly 2008 Mumbai terror attack.Michael Kyle...

    Keywords: lashkar e taiba meaning in hindi, Pakistan based terror group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, US national

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