Search Results On state legislature (Page 1 of 3)

state legislature (Page 1 of 3)

  • Donald Trump decisions, Donald Trump, donald trump hints at constitution breaking, State legislature

    Donald Trump Hints At Constitution-Breaking 2024-11-14 10:13:14

    Donald Trump, recently elected to a second term as US president, has told Republicans in the House of Representatives that he may be running for an illegitimate third term. President-elect Trump, prone to making controversial statements, said: I don't think...

    Keywords: Donald Trump debates, Donald Trump as President, Donald Trump decisions, Donald Trump rule

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    election, mid term elections, mid term elections what indian american community has at stake, State legislature

    Mid-term Elections: What Indian-American Community has at Stake 2018-10-30 09:21:22

    "This is the most important election of our times!" Every election year, we perceive these words, which is to some level, it is understandable. The high-stakes nature our elections naturally produces intensified emotions and frayed nerves, impassioned hopes of victory...

    Keywords: elections, Sri Preston Kulkarni, elections, indian

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    US house of representatives, Indian Americans in midterm elections, four indian americans re elected to u s house, State legislature

    Four Indian-Americans Re-Elected to U.S. House 2018-11-08 05:24:45

    In the highly polarized midterm elections held Tuesday across the United States, four Indian-American incumbent members were re-elected to the House of Representatives and over a dozen others won various other races. Raja Krishnamoorthi was re-elected for the second term...

    Keywords: Krishnamoorthi, Indian Americans in midterm elections, Indian Americans, US House

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    Trump, Trump, midterm elections voting begins in eastern u s states, State legislature

    Midterm Elections: Voting Begins in Eastern U.S. States 2018-11-06 12:18:58

    Polls opened Tuesday across eastern states of the United States as Americans began casting ballots in the critical midterm elections that commemorate the first major voter test of Donald Trump's presidency, with control of Congress in the balance.States including Maine,...

    Keywords: seat, United States, Trump, United States

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    sikh of america auditions, Delaware Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month, delaware declares april 2019 as sikh awareness and appreciation month, State legislature

    Delaware Declares April 2019 as ‘Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month’ 2019-03-20 04:12:54

    Delaware governor John Carney has signed an executive proclamation naming April 2019 as the "Delaware Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month" in recognition of the contribution of the Sikh community in the economic and social milieu of the state. Throughout April,...

    Keywords: sikh population in usa 2017, sikh population in usa 2017, sikh population in england, Delaware

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    kamala harris policies, kamala harris nationality, kamala harris needs to do more to win over indian americans, State legislature

    Kamala Harris Needs to Do More to Win over Indian Americans 2019-07-31 05:52:14

    Indian Americans are being taken seriously by Democratic presidential candidates as the community has increasing political clout. Almost 50 percent of voting-age Asian Americans cast a ballot in the 2016 elections and some 1.5 million were Indian, according to the...

    Keywords: kamala harris, kamala harris Indian or jamaican, kamala harris parents, kamala harris Indian or jamaican

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