Search Results On kalyanram (Page 1 of 4)

kalyanram (Page 1 of 4)

  • Devil Movie Tweets, Kalyan Ram Devil movie review, devil movie review rating story cast and crew, Kalyanram

    Devil Movie Review, Rating, Story, Cast and Crew 2023-12-30 10:49:28

    Taking place in the year 1945, Devil (played by Kalyan Ram) is a covert operative employed by the British police force. His mission is to unravel a perplexing murder case that involves a prominent royal family. However, his ulterior motive...

    Keywords: Devil movie review, Devil movie story, Devil movie story, Devil Movie Tweets

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    Bimbisara breaking updates, Kalyanram, bimbisara eleven days collections, Kalyanram

    Bimbisara Eleven Days Collections 2022-08-16 12:44:14

    Nandamuri Kalyanram hasn’t scored a success in the recent years and the actor pinned all his hopes on Bimbisara. The film is a periodic film that is banked on VFX and Kalyanram played the title role as Bimbisara, a ruthless...

    Keywords: Catherine, Bimbisara collections, Bimbisara collections, Bimbisara super hit

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    Bimbisara, Bimbisara total business, bimbisara 17 days worldwide collections, Kalyanram

    Bimbisara 17 Days Worldwide Collections 2022-08-22 11:33:14

    Nandamuri Kalyanram amazed and surprised the audience with his recent offering Bimbisara. The film is directed by a debutant Vassishta and the film had Kalyanram playing a dual role. Kalyanram played a ruthless Chola King Bimbisara in one of the...

    Keywords: Bimbisara, Bimbisara movie updates, Bimbisara budget, Bimbisara news

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    Netflix in India, Netflix breaking news, netflix buys a series of telugu films, Kalyanram

    Netflix Buys a Series of Telugu Films 2023-01-17 06:45:10

    Netflix happens to be the top among the digital platform of the globe. The OTT giant has been selective in acquiring the digital rights of Telugu and other South Indian films. For the first time, Netflix is spending a bomb...

    Keywords: Netflix Telugu films, Netflix Telugu, Netflix Indian movies, Netflix Indian movies

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    Bimbisara first weekend, Bimbisara total business, kalyanram s bimbisara 21 days collections, Kalyanram

    Kalyanram's Bimbisara 21 Days Collections 2022-08-26 09:36:36

    Nandamuri Kalyanram scored the biggest ever hit in his career with Bimbisara. The periodic drama is also the costliest film made in his career. Debutant Vassistha directed the film and Kalyanram thrilled the audience in a dual role in this...

    Keywords: NTR Arts, Bimbisara business, Bimbisara, Bimbisara budget

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    NTR breaking news, NTR upcoming films, ntr turning producer, Kalyanram

    NTR turning Producer? 2023-06-13 09:47:29

    Jr NTR is expanding his investments and budding to be a smart entrepreneur. Lately, small-budget movies are going well in the market and NTR wants to encash this opportunity. The actor is heading towards a new production house. It is...

    Keywords: NTR turning producer, NTR films, NTR Arts, NTR Arts

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