Search Results On infectious diseases (Page 1 of 4)

infectious diseases (Page 1 of 4)

  • covid-19, Johnson and Johnson, two dose covid 19 vaccine to be trialed by j j, Infectious diseases

    Two-dose Covid-19 Vaccine To Be Trialed By J&J 2020-11-16 05:41:39

    On Monday, Johnson and Johnson would test a two-dose covid-19 vaccine with 1000 volunteers participating in the study.Scientists leading the UK trial have said that across 17 sites, there would be 30,000 participants and they are planning on recruiting 6000...

    Keywords: Two-dose covid-19 vaccine, covid-19, Two-dose covid-19 vaccine, Johnson and Johnson

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    Andrew Huff, Andrew Huff latest updates, covid 19 was a man made virus claims an american scientist, Infectious diseases

    Covid-19 was a man-made virus claims an American Scientist 2022-12-06 06:34:31

    The Covid-19 scare that started three years ago is yet to leave the world. All the nations of the globe are shattered and crores of people lost their lives because of the coronavirus pandemic. It all started in China and...

    Keywords: Andrew Huff breaking updates, Andrew Huff breaking news, Andrew Huff latest updates, Andrew Huff

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    COVID-19 Vaccine, Oxford University, vaccine trial participant of johnson and johnson falls sick trial on hold, Infectious diseases

    Vaccine Trial Participant Of Johnson and Johnson Falls Sick, Trial On Hold 2020-10-13 10:53:20

    On Monday, Johnson and Johnson put its COVID-19 vaccine trials on hold as one of the participants has fallen sick due to an unexplained illness. The company’s safety physicians along with an independent data and safety monitoring board are reviewing...

    Keywords: Oxford University, COVID-19 Vaccine, COVID-19 Vaccine, COVID-19 Vaccine

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    Eye Care Mistakes breaking, Eye Care Mistakes latest breaking, eye care mistakes to avoid during the rainy season, Infectious diseases

    Eye Care Mistakes to Avoid During the Rainy Season 2024-07-10 07:15:52

    While the rainy season has begun, giving us a break from the intense heat, there are also issues we need to address. The rainy season increases the risk of many infectious diseases. The rainy season comes with many risks, including...

    Keywords: Eye Care Mistakes breaking, Eye Care Mistakes latest breaking, Eye Care Mistakes new updates, Eye Care Mistakes medication

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    New evidence, New evidence, coronavirus can likely to be spread via air who acknowledges evidence, Infectious diseases

    Coronavirus can likely to be spread via air, WHO acknowledges evidence 2020-07-08 15:49:22

    A group of scientists have found new evidence on how the coronavirus can pass through people through aerosol and World Health Organization have acknowledged the same evidence saying it’s a possibility The coronavirus pandemic has hit around 11.8 million people...

    Keywords: New evidence, New evidence, emerging evidence says WHO, emerging evidence says WHO

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    Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, johnson johnson to kick off human trial on vaccine of covid 19 in july, Infectious diseases

    Johnson & Johnson To Kick-Off Human Trial On Vaccine Of COVID-19 In July 2020-06-11 08:17:24

    Fortunately, we see a spark of light through the dark path of Coronavirus that has left the world. On Wednesday, Johnson and Johnson via Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies has said to take its first in-human clinical trial of the investigational SARS-CoV-2...

    Keywords: Coronavirus vaccine, Coronavirus vaccine, 3rd phase human trial, 3rd phase human trial

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