Search Results On dreamer (Page 1 of 3)

dreamer (Page 1 of 3)

  • Green Cards, Fund, indian american youths to fund trump s wall for green cards, Dreamer

    Indian-American Youths to Fund Trump's Wall for Green Cards 2018-06-15 10:17:52

    An Umpteen Indian-origin teenagers and young adults rallied to protest against more attention being given to illegal immigrants. The rally took place in front of the Capitol Hill. Despite having arrived in the United States legally, the protesters, whose parents...

    Keywords: Fund, Trump's Wall, Indian-American, Green Cards

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    Bipartisan Bill in USA news, Bipartisan Bill in USA bill, to end aging out of indian immigrations indian american congressman supports bipartisan bill, Dreamer

    To End Aging out of Indian Immigrations, Indian American Congressman Supports Bipartisan Bill 2022-06-14 09:30:34

    The Indian American Democratic Congressmen called for the passage of America's Children Act and bipartisan legislation. The move will protect the documented aspirants who are depending on long-term non-immigrant visa holders from aging out when they turn 21. Ami Bera,...

    Keywords: Bipartisan Bill in USA breaking news, Bipartisan Bill in USA updates, Bipartisan Bill in USA to be passed, Bipartisan Bill in USA

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    doubts lawmakers., federal workers, trump doubts that lawmakers will reach new border deal, Dreamer

    Trump Doubts That Lawmakers Will Reach New Border Deal 2019-01-28 12:48:06

    In an Interview given to Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump said that he doubts lawmakers will reach new Border deal. He also said that another government shut down is certainly an option. These reported comments came after the longest government...

    Keywords: Certainly an option, trump on dreamers, $5.7 Billion deal, Donald Trump

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    Joe Biden new plan for immigrants, Joe Biden legal status for immigrants, joe biden offers legal status to 500 000 immigrants, Dreamer

    Joe Biden offers legal status to 500,000 immigrants 2024-06-19 09:23:49

    President Biden has proposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are married to U.S. citizens and have lived in the country for at least a decade. The White House estimates this plan could benefit over 500,000 people. Additionally,...

    Keywords: Joe Biden legal status for immigrants, Joe Biden new plan for immigrants, Joe Biden new plan for immigrants, Joe Biden great move

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    Indian Americans, Bipartisan Bill introduced, indian american congressman support bipartisan bill, Dreamer

    Indian American Congressman Support Bipartisan Bill 2022-06-20 09:26:37

    Ami Bera, the Indian American Democratic Congressman last week called for the passage of the America's Children Act which is called the Bipartisan Bill. This is to protect the documented dreamers who are dependent on non-immigrant visa holders when they...

    Keywords: American lawmakers, Bipartisan Bill passed, Bipartisan Bill breaking updates, Bipartisan Bill

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    WORLD BOOK DAY 2019, INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE BOOK, world book day best quotes on books that will certainly inspire you to get hands on asap, Dreamer

    World Book Day: Best Quotes on Books That Will Certainly Inspire You to Get Hands-on ASAP 2019-04-23 05:03:38

    April 23 is observed as World Book Day and it is no less than a fete for all the bookworms from getting your hands on the books you wanted badly since long on a special offer to turning up to...


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