Search Results On dieting (Page 1 of 3)

dieting (Page 1 of 3)

  • weight loss tips, weight loss techniques, excess fat s impact on metabolism, Dieting

    Excess Fat's Impact On Metabolism 2024-09-06 15:12:09

    Whether you want to start a healthy lifestyle or increase your energy, it's important to consider the role of your metabolism. Metabolism, which regulates important body processes, influences blood circulation and the regulation of body weight. Contrary to popular belief,...

    Keywords: Metabolism latest updates, Metabolism latest updates, Excess Fat, Excess Fat

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    inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise, weight loss, reasons why you re not losing weight even after working out and dieting, Dieting

    Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight Even After Working out and Dieting 2019-07-03 11:52:38

    Burning calories is not as easy as you think. What looks simple on paper can get difficult in practice. Though after incessant workout, exercises and dieting you might sometimes wonder why you are not losing weight. Below listed are a...

    Keywords: losing weight. Work outs, losing weight. Work outs, inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise, how to lose weight

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    Green tea, Green tea, have green tea to prevent artery explosion, Dieting

    Have green tea to prevent artery explosion! 2016-08-24 10:38:57

    Drinking green tea may help you in losing weight, improved brain function and lower the risk of cancer, but it might save you from abdominal aortic rupture a deadly condition of the main artery of the body that often turns...

    Keywords: Abdominal aortic rupture, artery explosion, Green tea, artery explosion

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    food, fitness, 5 reasons as to why you don t need a diet, Dieting

    5 reasons as to why you don’t need a diet 2021-02-02 10:08:43

    It has been a long time myth for everyone that trying different diets can help one lose weight. However, after proper and due research, it has finally been determined that diets are not only not good for you but can...

    Keywords: fitness, health, diets, health

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    Virat Kohli latest, Virat Kohli health, key takeaways from virat kohli s batter diet, Dieting

    Key Takeaways from Virat Kohli's Batter Diet 2024-06-28 06:57:21

    Indian cricketer Virat Kohli is known not only for his unwavering commitment on the field but also for his commitment to a rigorous fitness regime. This became evident when sports broadcaster Jatin Sapru recently revealed the details of Kohli's diet...

    Keywords: Virat Kohli diet, Virat Kohli food diet, Virat Kohli latest, Virat Kohli health

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    Pomegranates, journal Nature Medicine, help fight ageing with pomegranates, Dieting

    Help fight ageing with Pomegranates! 2016-07-14 07:00:12

    A recent study published in the journal Nature Medicine, suggests that, pomegranates may help you to fight ageing. The researchers have found a molecule in pomegranates, transformed by microbes in the gut, may help muscle cells to prevent themselves from...

    Keywords: Fight ageing, journal Nature Medicine, journal Nature Medicine, Fight ageing

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