How Outdoor Activities Help a Child Health 2013-05-24 10:49:03
Do you have any more tips to share with us? Leave us a comment and let us know.Go out and play! That’s no longer just the cry of the busy parent. Now it’s a message from the medical community. Childhood...
Keywords: protection child health by outdoor activiites, protection child health by outdoor activiites, protection child health by outdoor activiites, outdoor door activities protects child health.
Read MoreToo much of TV can make your child obese 2013-11-27 11:24:21
Dear Parents, please know that the television is no benign babysitter! The more time your child spends in front of the television, the more are his/her chances of growing obese in the future. Yes, it's true! Extra screen time for...
Keywords: child obesity, child obesity, obesity I kids, BMI scale
Read MoreHow Severe Is Obesity Crisis In India? 2025-02-24 14:52:43
Indians find themselves alongside the United States and China on the obesity spectrum, with approximately 80 million individuals classified as obese, according to a report by Lancet. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi kicked off an anti-obesity initiative following a discussion...
Keywords: Obesity Crisis in India, Obesity Crisis in India, Obesity Crisis Narendra Modi, Narendra Modi
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