Search Results On birth weight (Page 1 of 3)

birth weight (Page 1 of 3)

  • fathers young adults obesity, research obesity, to prevent obesity in young adults fathers can help, Birth weight

    To prevent obesity in young adults, fathers can help! 2016-07-05 10:57:35

    Children learn from their parents! But, parents can also help their children when it comes to developing healthy behaviors. A recent study suggests that, the young adults can be prevented from obesity with the help of fathers. Fathers play an...

    Keywords: father-son obesity, father-son obesity, father-son obesity, father-son obesity

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    pregnant women, pregnant women, steroid injections to pregnant women causes risk of underweight babies, Birth weight

    Steroid Injections to Pregnant Women Causes Risk of Underweight Babies 2019-02-28 08:40:25

    Steroid injections given to mothers at the peril of giving birth prematurely are probable to deliver babies with lower body weights, says a new study. According to the study, pre-term babies whose mothers received Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy (ACT) on average...

    Keywords: steroid injections, steroid injection for premature babies lung development, steroid injection pregnancy 37 weeks, steroids in pregnancy side effects for baby

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    pregnancy in breast cancer survivors, pregnancy, pregnancy is safe for breast cancer survivors say health experts, Birth weight

    Pregnancy is Safe for Breast Cancer Survivors, Say Health Experts 2018-12-03 06:45:55

    Breast cancer, cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts, is the most prevalent cancer among Indian women and the health experts say it cannot deter motherhood if intervention occurs at the right point. According to experts, pregnancy is...

    Keywords: pregnancy, breast cancer causes, pregnancy during breast cancer, breast

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    Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency updates, Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency breaking, tips to boost haemoglobin levels for women with iron deficiency, Birth weight

    Tips to Boost Haemoglobin Levels for women with Iron Deficiency 2024-10-04 07:56:48

    During pregnancy, many changes occur in the woman's body, one of the most important of which is the increased need for iron. Iron requirements increase approximately tenfold during pregnancy to support the growing fetus and meet the mother's own iron...

    Keywords: Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency health tips, Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency latest, Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency latest, Pregnant Women with Iron Deficiency latest

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    WHO, healthy living, who lays out recommendations to save newborns, Birth weight

    WHO Lays out Recommendations to Save Newborns 2018-12-27 13:15:38

    The recent report released by World Health Organization (WHO) titled Survive and thrive: transforming care for every small and sick newborn, said it is crucial for the world to transform aid for every newborn baby, in order to attain the...

    Keywords: India, World health organization, preventable newborn, World health organization

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    Pregnancy-Associated Cancers breaking updates, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers news, pregnancy associated cancers on the rise, Birth weight

    Pregnancy-Associated Cancers On The Rise 2024-11-16 09:28:54

    Former Alone Australia winner Gina Cheek was diagnosed with breast cancer just days after finding out she was pregnant. In his current book he describes his experiences with chemotherapy and what happened next. Fortunately, cancer is rarely diagnosed during pregnancy...

    Keywords: Pregnancy-Associated Cancers updates, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers news, Pregnancy-Associated Cancers tests

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