Search Results On beauty care (Page 1 of 3)

beauty care (Page 1 of 3)

  • remove dandruff, dandruff treatment, easy ways to treat dandruff, Beauty care

    Easy ways to treat dandruff 2014-10-25 07:54:41

    Every woman wishesh to have beautiful hair. But dandruff can mar the beauty of your tresses. The white flaky substance on your hair and scalp looks bad, besides giving bad impression about you. Dandruff can be easily treated at home...

    Keywords: hair care tips, remove dandruff, how to remove dandruff, how to remove dandruff

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    cleansing the skin., green gram face packs for skin nourishment, green gram usage in beauty care, Beauty care

    Green Gram usage in Beauty Care! 2015-04-07 12:27:06

    Using the natural products of trees and plants in beauty or health care is not new. Here we have the ample of benefits from using the green gram in skin care, cosmology related subjects. Let us see how best we...

    Keywords: Green gram in controlling acne, cleansing the skin., green gram face packs for skin nourishment, Green gram in controlling acne

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    Beauty care while travelling, beauty regimen while travelling, beauty care for frequent travellers, Beauty care

    Beauty care for frequent travellers 2014-10-22 08:55:32

    Working women have a busy lifestyle. Many women need to travel frequently that leaves them with problem skin. Their beauty regimen goes for a toss. Such women need to carry their beauty essentials while travelling and also follow a beauty...

    Keywords: face mist, skin care while travelling, sunscreen, travelling and beauty care

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    Marks on tummy, Marks on tummy, post pregnancy stretch marks a worrisome issue for expecting mothers, Beauty care

    Post Pregnancy Stretch Marks - a worrisome issue for expecting mothers! 2015-05-06 08:28:13

    Most of the newly married woman and expected mothers love children very much, but afraid of the labor pain and stretch marks on bellies after pregnancy. It is very common in developing nations like India. Though they love motherhood, these...

    Keywords: Tiger marks on breast, Tiger marks on breast, Tiger marks on breast, lines on hips

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    glowy skin, ghee as scrub, ghee an ancient remedy for glowy skin, Beauty care

    Ghee: An Ancient remedy for glowy skin 2023-08-31 09:21:00

    Only in India skin care products are estimated to have a stunning market value of 6.93 Bn USD in 2023 and expected to reach $ 10.31 Bn by 2028. People are behind costly facial products rather than following the ancient...

    Keywords: ghee as lip balm, uses of ghee, ghee as lip balm, uses of ghee

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    hair care tips, beautiful hair tips, hair masks for beautiful hair, Beauty care

    Hair masks for beautiful hair 2014-10-24 06:45:23

    Do you envy women with soft and silky hair? Don't. Even you can easily get bouncy hair at less than a quarter of the price that any salon would charge. Beautiful hair is achievable at home using ingredients available in...

    Keywords: beauty care, beautiful hair tips, beauty care, soft and silky hair

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