Search Results On aneesh chopra

aneesh chopra

  • White House, Johns Hopkins University, aneesh chopra obama s indian american it head quits, Aneesh chopra

    Aneesh Chopra, Obama's Indian American IT head, quits 2012-01-30 04:08:08

    Aneesh Chopra, President Barack Obama's information technology honcho, who was the highest ranking Indian American in the Obama administration, is leaving the White House, apparently to try his hand at politics. Announcing the departure of Chopra, Assistant to the President...

    Keywords: White House, first Chief Technology Officer, Jefferson-Jackson dinner, CTO

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    Key jobs in White House, more Indian Americans serving, two more indian americans to key jobs obama, Aneesh chopra

    Two more Indian Americans to key jobs: Obama 2012-03-10 05:09:26

    President Barack Obama, who with over two dozen appointments has more Indian Americans serving in White House jobs than in any previous administration, has named two more to key posts. While Indore educated Paula Gangopadhyay was named member, National Museum...

    Keywords: Obama names two Indian Americans, Obama names two Indian Americans, Obama names two Indian Americans, National Museum and Library Services Board

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    Indian-Americans, actor Kalpen Modi, obama s campaign reaches out to indian americans, Aneesh chopra

    Obama's campaign reaches out to Indian Americans 2012-02-27 12:32:01

    President Barack Obama, whose administration has by far the largest number of Indian-Americans, has turned to three prominent members of this growing and influential community to help his re-election campaign reach out to some three million Indian-origin voters. The three,...

    Keywords: Indian-Americans, actor Kalpen Modi, Kamala Harris and Sai Iyer, Kamala Harris and Sai Iyer

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