Breeding cycles of Penguins affected by global warmingSci-Tech

March 23, 2012 06:04
Breeding cycles of Penguins affected by global warming

Global warming is adversely affecting the Antarctic occupants and Penguins in particular. Scientists believe that the climate adversity has had its toll on the breeding cycles of the species.

The researches were conducted by using a combination of field work and satellite imagery to track colonies of three penguin species -- Adélie, Chinstrap and Gentoo. The species were considered, because Gentoo is the resident of the area, while the other two are breeding visitors. The Antarctic are worst affected and are considered one of the world's most rapidly warming regions. The study was conducted by Heather Lynch, assistant professor of ecology and evolution at Stony Brook University.

Warmer temperatures move up the breeding cycle, causing the penguins to lay their eggs earlier, according to a Stony Brook statement. Lynch believes this may allow them to better compete for the best nesting space.

The Adélie and Chinstrap are unaware of the local conditions until they arrive to breed and have not been able to advance their breeding cycles as rapidly. In addition, the Gentoo prefer areas with less sea ice, and have been able to migrate further south into the Antarctic as the sea ice shrinks. The Chinstrap and Adélie species rely more heavily on the abundance of Antarctic krill, which require sea ice for their lifecycle. The result -- the Gentoo numbers are increasing while the other two species have noticeably dwindling populations on the Antarctic Peninsula. Lynch will present these findings at the Charles B. Wang Center at Stony Brook University April 10-11. (With inputs from internet- AarKay)

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