Indo-Canadian director Deepa Mehta after 'Midnight's Children', is now bringing Shilpi Somaya Gowda's novel 'Secret Daughter' to the big screen. In fact, Mehta is currently working on the script of the movie, which will be produced by Jody Colero of Silent Joe Inc and Hussain Amarshi of Mongrel Media.
The Hollywood Reporter said that 'Secret Daughter' revolves around two families, one in Mumbai, India forced to give a baby up for adoption, and another in San Francisco raising a brown-skinned child from another culture. While Canada's Harold Greenberg Fund helped option the novel which was published by Harper Collins for movie treatment.
Having it as an interesting fact, Director Deepa Mehta has previously adapted Bapsi Sidhwa's novel 'The Ice Candy Man' and Salman Rushdie's Booker-prize-winning 'The Midnight's Children'.
Content resource:India Today
Image resource: Google - Secret Daughter and Deepa Mehta
It will be undoubtedly another astonishing film to see!
(AW:Samrat Biswas)