Traditionally, man is considered as the 'provider', earning most of the money in a relationship. But, now the gap between men and women's earnings is narrowing down. The men have come to terms with the reality that, now, women can earn not just for the bread and butter, but the bacon too. But still, sometimes, the husband starts feeling envious about his wife earning more than him or it becomes a ego issue, which creates problems in your marriage life.
“According to a 2012 study by Reach Advisors,the median income of single women between the ages of 22 and 30 is now greater than the income of single men in that same age group in most cities throughout the country.”
Here are some suggestions that, will help you to come over this money issue and bring mutual understandings in your relationship.
See your partner as a teammate, not a competitor:
In a relationship, it is necessary to see your partner as a teammate and not as a competitor. You need to make peace with reality, otherwise the unresolved gender feelings will affect your relationship.
Focus on the relationship, not the earnings:
You should not make money the focal point of your relationship. The couple should focus on the person and the relationship instead of earnings. Money can create a rift in your relationship, while the love can bonds you together.
Keep checking your egos and insecurities:
The couple should not let ego come in between their relationship. If you feel insecure about your incomes, find ways to improve that and don't feel disheartened if things don't work out as you had planned. Remember that, it's a life that you promised to build together.
Tips for women who earn more than their partners:
Watch your attitude and manners.
Keep unnecessary pride aside.
Don't react negatively.
Think of ways to better empower your partner.
Try to keep things balanced in the family.
Also read: When your friend wants to be your love!