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Along with your first baby, even you are born as a new mother. It’s altogether a new, refreshing experience of mother hood. It is a real great feeling to be born as a mom, but the job is not as easy as it seems, especially for new moms. Do not worry. We are here making an attempt to help you by providing few parenting tips for new moms. Begin your journey happily.
Do not load the crib
Accumulation of your baby’s crib with too many toys and other objects can not only be over stimulation, but also hazardous. Pillows, stuffed animals, crib bumpers are all suffocation hazards. Leave your baby’s crib empty. This is the first important thing that all new mothers must learn.
Take care of yourself
You are definitely a great mom when it comes to nurturing your baby, but do not neglect to nurture yourself. During the first few months, you may feel out of time for sleep and even a shower at times. But at least eat healthy. Take others help instead of trying to become a super mom.
Stop worrying too much about baby feed
You do not have to worry about the sufficiency of your baby feed. Until your baby is showing up enough weight gain and you find wet diapers time to time, that is not a worrying thing. If your baby cries, it is not always out of hunger. It is probably due to lack of sleep, uneasiness or even simple boredom.
Trust your instincts at times
Trust your instincts as a mother. Each baby is unique and as a mother you will know your baby more than anyone else. Do not compare your baby with others. Every baby will reach his milestone at his own pace. Just keep enjoying your mother hood.
Try different techniques
Do not hesitate to try new techniques while feeding your baby or trying to make him sleep or during his play time. You never know, your baby may like the new one. This parenting tip will work out greatly.
Listen to your baby
Instead following a military schedule, listen to your baby. Let her take feed on demand. She may need more frequent feed than feed every two hours and vice versa. Give your baby enough freedom to sleep at her own time.
Stay calm
Most important thing for a new mom is to stay calm. Do not worry about every minute change you observe in your infant. Your baby is growing and so changes keep on coming out each day.
Do not forget to enjoy the moment
It is essential for all new moms to enjoy the moments. Communicate with your baby. Enjoy your baby’s presences as she enjoys yours. Make the most memorable moments of your mother hood. They stay alive in your memories even after your baby grows old to have grandchild.