Prestigious production house Yash Raj Films is currently busy with multiple projects under production and Aditya Chopra has been personally overlooking all the projects. He is making his comeback to direction after a gap of nine years with the film titled Befikre. This romantic movie has been in news from the past few months because of the innovative posters that have been out. Ranveer Singh and Vaani Kapoor played the lead roles in the movie which completed shoot recently.
As per the latest news, the theatrical trailer of the movie has been planned to be launched at the Eiffel Tower, Paris on October 10th. For the first time ever, the Eiffel Tower, a monument that had 7 million people flocking to it every year, will host a truly unique film event. Befikre has been shot entirely in Paris and is being produced by Yash Raj Films. The film is all set to hit the screens on December 9th.